In my latest video I look at six different types of N Scale track. Kato Unitrack, Bachmann EZ Ttrack, Atlas Code 80 and Code 55 and Peco Code 80 and Code 55. Here is a quick summary of each one.
Kato Unitrack: Super durable and easy to use and the by far the widest variety of different track lengths, curve radius options, and double track options. Not as realistic looking as something like Atlas or Micro Engineering Code 55 track, but your trains will run great and it is easy to use.
Bachmann EZ Track: A sectional track with molded on roadbed like Unitrack, but it is less durable, a little less realistic looking, and there are not quite as many options in terms of track lengths and curve radius. But, it is often cheaper and available in most hobby stores.
Atlas Code 80: No attached roadbed but lower cost. Still very durable and easy to use, but not nearly as realistic as the Atlas Code 55 track.
Atlas Code 55: The best looking and closest to prototypical size in N scale out of these options. Micro Engineering code 55 track is similar in looks, but often is harder to find and tends to be out of stock a lot. The fine details of the Atlas code 55 track does make it the most delicate of all these track options. So, it is best for permanent layouts as it can be damaged much more easily than other track options and thus a little more risky to use on portable layouts.
Peco Code 80: Very similar to Atlas code 80 track, but with more reliable turnouts.
Peco Code 55: The look of code 55 rail, but with exceptional durability as Peco uses code 80 rail that is partially embedded in the ties, creating a very strong track. The tie thickness and spacing is similar to the Code 80 options from Peco and Atlas, which means it isn't as realistic looking. But, your trains will run great on it, even if you have old equipment with oversized wheels. The turnouts are super reliable, probably the best out there in terms of reliability.
Kato Unitrack (N Scale): https://amzn.to/3kl9msS
Atlas Code 55 Track: https://amzn.to/3lkgUgH
Peco Code 55 Track: https://amzn.to/3n4RVyj
Bachmann EZ Track: https://amzn.to/3ZZ5o9w
Fifer Hobby: http://www.fiferhobby.com
Model Train Stuff: https://www.modeltrainstuff.com
You can watch the full YouTube video below.
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