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Layouts That Have Inspired Me

Writer: Stephen StrumStephen Strum

A look at some of the layouts that have inspired me during my modeling career. While these are all great layouts, this isn't a list of the best layouts or anything like that, just a list of layouts that have influenced my modeling in one way or another.

These are the layouts:

You can watch the video below.


Mark W
Mark W
Oct 12, 2023

Hi, I've been watching your videos recently and am looking to get back into railroad modeling (I've done a couple HO and N layouts and dioramas) and was thinking of starting with a diorama or 2. Then I figured for my first I might do something for this O gauge switcher I have on a bare piece of track in my office. I'm not so much into O gauge but it's a sentimental piece. All that to ask if perhaps you had some ideas for an appropriate scene for a switcher in a tiny space (probably a trianglular shelf 21"x21" or a 20"x18" square). The bare gravel and grass of a switch yard might be kinda boring.

Stephen Strum
Stephen Strum
Oct 24, 2023
Replying to

I would check out this site:

Loads of people have built incredibly small micro layouts even in larger scales that might give you some inspiration.


Oct 03, 2023

Always inspiring


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