I'm starting work on a few new N scale project layouts, the largest being 2x4 feet. While still small, this layout will feature four independent loops of track on three levels, with the middle level designed as an industrial switching area. You can see the overall layout design here.

The layout features an industrial switching area on the middle level, with a double track mainline on the lower level for train watching. The upper level will have a tram or trolley going around it and will likely extend farther towards the bottom of the layout than indicated in the plan above. Below are the track plans for each individual level. Note that the top level will be a little larger than shown above. A listing of all the track pieces follows the diagrams of each level. You could of course leave off the top or bottom level to simplify the build if you were interested in doing something like this yourself.

Here is the listing of all the track needed to replicate this project. First in an image summary form, then in a text list below with some product links.

Note that while I have amazon affiliate links for most products, often you can find them at hobby retailers for cheaper. I like fiferhobby.com and modeltrainstuff.com but check other stores as well. Note that as an Amazon affiliate, I receive a commission on any sales make through those links.
Number of pieces, track item, Amazon link
15 Kato Unitrack 20000 straight 9.76" (9 3/4") https://amzn.to/3iBLMb0
5 Kato Unitrack 20020 straight 4.88" (4 7/8") https://amzn.to/3ZrB4EJ
2 Kato Unitrack 20030 straight 2.52" (2 1/2") https://amzn.to/3kemj7M
7 Kato Unitrack 20040 straight 2.44" (2 7/16") https://amzn.to/3vXqZBA
4 Kato Unitrack 20048 bumper 1.99" https://amzn.to/3ZAas4c
4 Kato Unitrack 20070 straight 1.79" (in track assortment) https://amzn.to/3CKuuPX
1 Kato Unitrack 20071 straight 1.14" (in track assortment) https://amzn.to/3CKuuPX
12 Kato Unitrack 20100 curve radius 9.8" (9 3/4") angle 45° https://amzn.to/3GGhXho
4 Kato Unitrack 20101 curve radius 9.8" angle 15° https://amzn.to/3kbTkll
8 Kato Unitrack 20110 curve radius 11" angle 45° https://amzn.to/3CLCqQS
5 Kato Unitrack 20170 curve radius 8.5" angle 45° https://amzn.to/3vXG46a
2 Kato Unitrack 20171 curve radius 8.5" angle 15° https://amzn.to/3ILzwiW
8 Kato Unitrack 20176 curve radius 4.61" (4 5/8") angle 45° https://shop.fiferhobby.com/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=22591
4 Kato Unitrack 20203 Right hand turnout 7.32" https://amzn.to/3H0BwT7
1 Kato Unitrack 20222 Wye turnout 4.96" https://shop.fiferhobby.com/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=16912
16 Kato Terminal Rail Joiners. https://shop.fiferhobby.com/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=12863
I plan to have the layout controlled by both DCC and DC controllers, with a toggle switch for each of the four loops of track to switch between DC and DCC control. This way I'll be able to easily run any locomotive that I want (well at least ones that will fit on the tighter radius curves) and not have to worry about whether it is DC or DCC ready. I haven't yet decided what DCC system I will use, but I plan to have built-in DC controllers with the switches and controls all mounted in the fascia somewhere. I will also have push button control for the turnouts, but
You can watch the YouTube video below where I discuss the plan, how I plan to power things, and so forth, along with a sneak peak at a couple of other little layouts I plan to start building soon as well. I hope to largely complete this layout along with a few other smaller projects this year. Be sure to follow along here or on my YouTube channel as I work on these projects.